"MAKING THE MOST OF THE MIX (NEW!) The Many Benefits of Mixed Age Groupings"
Lisa Murphy, MEd.
January 24th, 2022 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM (PDT)

EWFCCA is proud to bring you The Ooey Gooey Lady ® Lisa Murphy M.Ed., LIVE via ZOOM! She’s back with us with a NEW topic!! “MAKING THE MOST OF THE MIX (NEW!) The Many Benefits of Mixed Age Groupings” This is the newest addition to Lisa Murphy’s line up and has a unique different delivery style. In this session, Lisa reads the paper she wrote on The Benefits of Mixed Age Groupings (MAGS) and, while reading, riffs in real time as to her additional thoughts about the topic, strategies for success, potential challenges and other MAG considerations. By tapping into both historical (Lilian Katz) and contemporary (Peter Gray, among others) research and resources, the paper presents a general overview of MAGS, some typical barriers to them, and ends with identifying specific benefits. This session has been well received due to the interactive delivery style as well as the concise review of the many social and intellectual benefits of mixed age groupings in early childhood programs.